Learn how to delete apps your Mac Launchpad the Finder. Find how to handle apps are required your Mac, apps are use, apps subscriptions.
To erase app data Mac: Delete app; Search leftover files in: ~/Library/Application Support ~/Library/Preferences ~/Library/Caches; Move files Trash; Empty Trash; helps ensure app data remains your system. Uninstalling Apps MacBook Desktop. remove apps desktop: Right-click app icon; Select "Move .
To delete app, press hold Option (⌥) key. can click hold app it jiggles. Lastly, click Delete button (the X) is to app want delete.
The Delete button appears for apps you downloaded the App Store. Delete apps the Finder instead. the Finder delete apps. the app currently open, quit app continuing. Switch the Finder, as clicking desktop clicking Finder icon the Dock. Find app you to .
Click hold app want delete. Click on app want delete. Click delete. you're deleting app isn't the App Store, to Finder. to Applications filter find program want delete. Drag program the trash.
Click Delete button to app want delete, click Delete to confirm. app be deleted immediately. you can't delete app Launchpad. Delete button only for apps you've downloaded the App Store. Delete apps the Finder instead. the Finder delete apps
Mac: How to delete apps - 9to5Mac
Click X button the app want uninstall, click Delete to confirm. app then removed; can click any empty area the screen turn the jiggling.
Before uninstall apps your Mac strongly recommend backing-up Mac Time Machine. means if goes wrong uninstalling applications, can easily roll-back your Mac's previous state. you a novice inexperienced user how delete apps their device, may them dragging .
How to Uninstall Apps a Mac Launchpad. quickly uninstall apps you downloaded the App Store, open Launchpad app in Applications folder. click hold app want uninstall. Finally, click "X" appears select Delete to confirm. Open Launchpad app your Mac.
To uninstall apps got the App Store, you'll to Launchpad. Click Launchpad icon the dock (it's square nine small squares it ). Apps an in corner .
Mac: How to delete apps - 9to5Mac
How to Uninstall Apps on Your Mac - MacRumors