Tohmatsu, 2014). Healthy living apps been suggested an ideal behaviour change tool smartphones portable, enable reinforcement the day, can provide context specific advice (Dennison al., 2013). creates great opportunity people interested creating healthy living apps that
The user-friendly VicHealth Healthy Living Apps Guide an independent rating apps promote healthy eating, promote physical activity, reduce harm smoking alcohol, improve mental wellbeing. VicHealth CEO Jerril Rechter mobile phone apps enormous potential help wide range people better health .
Smartphone apps improve health wellbeing. can you more physically active, eat better, quit smoking, drink alcohol improve mental wellbeing. with many available, can choose best for you? VicHealth, we've reviewed 300 health
These awarded top score the VicHealth Healthy Living Apps guide: WaterBalance ($2.49, the App Store Google Play) helps stay hydrated keeping tabs your daily .
•Create evidence-based method collect, rate review "healthy living" apps •Focussed VicHealth's 5 priority areas: •Healthy eating, physical activity, alcohol harm reduction, smoking cessation, mental wellbeing •Publish directory apps recommended (public) health uses
VicHealth's Healthy Living Apps Guide rates than 200 phone apps claim help people eat better, move more, quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, improve mental wellbeing . Healthy Living Apps Guide the independent, evidence-based review the effectiveness health wellbeing apps. Apps .
Minister Health Jill Hennessy today warned Victorians be wary downloading health wellbeing apps, a Australian-first ratings system revealing are ineffective poorly designed. VicHealth, Minister today launched Healthy Living Apps Guide. Guide rates than 200 phone apps claim help people eat better, move more, quit smoking, reduce .
VicHealth launched Healthy Living App Guide, rating than 200 apps their effectiveness helping people shed weight live healthier lifestyle.
An information research blog health professionals, compiled Port Macquarie Base Hospital Library staff
wellbeing apps conducted, the Healthy Living Apps Guide released. Apps included the study they identified being to the user achieve healthier lifestyle by: - ─ eating healthily - ─ more physically active - ─ quitting smoking - ─ drinking alcohol - ─ improving diet wellbeing.
EWG's Mobile Apps
7 Top Apps for Healthy Living - Purely Unrefined
5 Best Healthy Lifestyle Apps for Your Phone or Tablet